A spiritual exercise that has helped me over the years was reflecting on where and how God is working in the world. Usually, at the end of the week, I take time and evaluate the week and get ready for the upcoming week.
This past week had been an unusually busy week – some of you say that being busy is normal for me, but even this energizer bunny found the week busy and stressful – and reviewing the week and recognizing the work of God around me was tremendously helpful.

Thank you. On Thursday night, we had a Charge Conference – a congregational meeting by any other denominational name – to enter into an agreement with firms to help us explore the low-income housing development option. Those of you who could attend the meeting voted unanimously in favor.
It was great. On Tuesday afternoon, our campus ministry’s Jubilee Vegan Café returned, and Chef Tracey led the way. We were able to serve over 125 students, and many had seconds. The garlic pasta was a big hit, and many students shared their gratitude for a free lunch. In this first week, 80% of students were first-time attendees. We now have more than 500 students who participate in our campus ministry.
Great Start. The campus Bible study started a couple of weeks ago, and we have been averaging six students at the bible study. While it may seem like a small number, it is the largest average we had in years. The Bible study is focused on understanding women as the Savior of Israel.
New Partnership. This week, I had a meeting with the Senior Pastor of Holman UMC, and he is very interested in developing a partnership with us on campus ministry and healthy food educational programs.
New Ministry. This Sunday, we will start a new worship service on Sunday nights on the USC campus, and the Lutheran Campus ministry, as well as Holman UMC, will officially join us as partners.
Served well. This week we said goodbye to Rev. Jim Burklo, the Associate Dean of Spiritual Life. At the ceremony, many spoke of how he changed their lives through his faith and spiritually filled guidance. It was a good reminder for me that how we live our lives matters. The good news is that while Jim will no longer work at USC, he will be working with us in our ministry.
These are just some of the things I have been reflecting on this past week. Each of these events revealed to me the faithfulness of God to us, but more importantly, to God’s mission of revealing Jesus to the world.
Taking time to see the presence of the Spirit of God in every part of my day has helped me persevere when things get complicated, find hope with things get discouraging, and give me energy when I get tired.
Let us find Jesus in our everyday lives.
Pastor Sunny